Easter Saturday 2025

When is Easter Saturday 2025?

Please note: The term "Easter Saturday", correctly applied, refers to the Saturday after Easter, not the Saturday before Easter (which is called "Holy Saturday"). For more details see the explanations below.
Easter Saturday 2025 is on Saturday, April 26, 2025 (in 375 days).  Calendar for 2025
Easter Saturday 2024 has already passed: it was on Saturday, April 6, 2024 (10 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Easter Saturday?

Easter Saturday marks the end of Easter Week. Photo: flickr.com/photos/kimber-photography/4520690603Easter Saturday marks the end of Easter Week
The term "Easter Saturday", when applied correctly, refers to the Saturday 6 days after the Christian festival of Easter. However, the term is often used colloquially to mean Holy Saturday, the Holy Week observance that falls between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, but this usage is incorrect.

In the liturgy of Western Christianity Easter Saturday is the last day of Easter Week and is sometimes referred to as the Saturday of Easter Week or Saturday in Easter Week. It is the day preceding the "Octave Day of Easter" (the Sunday after Easter, also known as St. Thomas Sunday or Divine Mercy Sunday), which is the last day of the Octave of Easter (the eight-day period ("octave") in Eastertide that starts on Easter Sunday and concludes with the following Sunday).

In the liturgy of Eastern Christianity Easter Saturday is referred to as Bright Saturday and marks the end of Bright Week.

The earliest possible date for Easter Saturday is March 28, the latest possible date is May 1.

Further reading: Easter Saturday on Wikipedia

When is Easter Saturday 2026?

Easter Saturday 2026 is on Saturday, April 11, 2026 (in 725 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Easter Saturday in other years

The next occurrence of Easter Saturday is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Easter Saturday 2020      April 18, 2020      Saturday      1459 days ago
Easter Saturday 2021      April 10, 2021      Saturday      1102 days ago
Easter Saturday 2022      April 23, 2022      Saturday      724 days ago
Easter Saturday 2023      April 15, 2023      Saturday      367 days ago
Easter Saturday 2024      April 6, 2024      Saturday      10 days ago
Easter Saturday 2025      April 26, 2025      Saturday      in 375 days
Easter Saturday 2026      April 11, 2026      Saturday      in 725 days
Easter Saturday 2027      April 3, 2027      Saturday      in 1082 days
Easter Saturday 2028      April 22, 2028      Saturday      in 1467 days
Easter Saturday 2029      April 7, 2029      Saturday      in 1817 days
Easter Saturday 2030      April 27, 2030      Saturday      in 2202 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Easter Saturday 2025
Dates of Easter Saturday 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

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