Candlemas 2025

When is Candlemas 2025?

Candlemas 2025 is on Sunday, February 2, 2025 (in 54 days).  Calendar for 2025
Candlemas 2024 has already passed: it was on Friday, February 2, 2024 (312 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Candlemas?

Candle at Candlemas. Photo: at Candlemas
Candlemas is a Christian holiday occurring annually on February 2 that is commemorating the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple when he was a baby. It occurs 40 days (inclusively) after Christmas Day. In some churches it is celebrated on a nearby Sunday. The term "Candlemas" (meaning Candle Mass) refers to the practice of the blessing of candles by the priest during a church service ("mass") for use during the year in church and in the homes of the faithful.

While in many countries Christmas decorations are traditionally removed on Twelfth Night (January 5, also known as Epiphany Eve), for other countries it is customary to remove them on Candlemas.

Note that the correct spelling is "Candlemas" (with one 's'). "Candlemass" (with two 's') is the name of a Swedish music band.

Further reading: Candlemas on Wikipedia

When is Candlemas 2026?

Candlemas 2026 is on Monday, February 2, 2026 (in 419 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Candlemas in other years

The next occurrence of Candlemas is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Candlemas 2020      February 2, 2020      Sunday      1773 days ago
Candlemas 2021      February 2, 2021      Tuesday      1407 days ago
Candlemas 2022      February 2, 2022      Wednesday      1042 days ago
Candlemas 2023      February 2, 2023      Thursday      677 days ago
Candlemas 2024      February 2, 2024      Friday      312 days ago
Candlemas 2025      February 2, 2025      Sunday      in 54 days
Candlemas 2026      February 2, 2026      Monday      in 419 days
Candlemas 2027      February 2, 2027      Tuesday      in 784 days
Candlemas 2028      February 2, 2028      Wednesday      in 1149 days
Candlemas 2029      February 2, 2029      Friday      in 1515 days
Candlemas 2030      February 2, 2030      Saturday      in 1880 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Candlemas 2025
Dates of Candlemas 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

Printable 2025 Calendars for Word, Excel and PDF

Calendar templates 2025 for Word, Excel and PDF

Free printable 2025 calendar templates

A selection of downloadable, printable calendar templates for 2025 with US federal holidays, suitable for a variety of applications. Available for Word, Excel and PDF.




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