Cinco de Mayo 2025

When is Cinco de Mayo 2025?

Cinco de Mayo 2025 is on Monday, May 5, 2025 (in 175 days).  Calendar for 2025
Cinco de Mayo 2024 has already passed: it was on Sunday, May 5, 2024 (189 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Cinco de Mayo?

Cinco de Mayo parade. Photo: Wikimedia CommonsCinco de Mayo parade
Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday celebrated annually on May 5. Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for 'Fifth of May' and commemorates the unlikely victory of the Mexican Army over superior French forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Even though it is only a public holiday in the state of Puebla, where the battle took place, and not in the rest of the country, schools are closed nationwide on this day.

Over the last decades Cinco de Mayo has gained increasing popularity in the Mexican-American population of the United States for the celebration of Mexican culture, heritage, cuisine, dance and music, comparable to St. Patrick's Day for the Irish. Parades are staged and events, celebrations and ceremonies are held on this day, especially in areas in the Southwest that have large populations of Americans of Mexican descent.

Cinco de Mayo is not, as sometimes mistakenly assumed, Mexico's Independence Day, which is celebrated on September 16.

Further reading:

When is Cinco de Mayo 2026?

Cinco de Mayo 2026 is on Tuesday, May 5, 2026 (in 540 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Cinco de Mayo in other years

The next occurrence of Cinco de Mayo is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Cinco de Mayo 2020      May 5, 2020      Tuesday      1650 days ago
Cinco de Mayo 2021      May 5, 2021      Wednesday      1285 days ago
Cinco de Mayo 2022      May 5, 2022      Thursday      920 days ago
Cinco de Mayo 2023      May 5, 2023      Friday      555 days ago
Cinco de Mayo 2024      May 5, 2024      Sunday      189 days ago
Cinco de Mayo 2025      May 5, 2025      Monday      in 175 days
Cinco de Mayo 2026      May 5, 2026      Tuesday      in 540 days
Cinco de Mayo 2027      May 5, 2027      Wednesday      in 905 days
Cinco de Mayo 2028      May 5, 2028      Friday      in 1271 days
Cinco de Mayo 2029      May 5, 2029      Saturday      in 1636 days
Cinco de Mayo 2030      May 5, 2030      Sunday      in 2001 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Cinco de Mayo 2025
Dates of Cinco de Mayo 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

Printable 2025 Calendars for Word, Excel and PDF

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