Feast of the Assumption 2025

When is the Feast of the Assumption 2025?

The Feast of the Assumption 2025 is on Friday, August 15, 2025 (in 247 days).  Calendar for 2025
The Feast of the Assumption 2024 has already passed: it was on Thursday, August 15, 2024 (117 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is the Feast of the Assumption?

Assumption of the Virgin (section of an oil painting by Titian in the Frari church in Venice). Photo: public domainAssumption of the Virgin (section of an oil painting by Titian in the Frari church in Venice)
The Feast of the Assumption (also called Assumption of Mary into Heaven and often simply referred to as Assumption) is a Christian feast that marks the assumption (being taken up into heaven) of the Virgin Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ) at the end of her life. It is a holy day of obligation for Catholics that is celebrated annually on August 15.

Some people wrongly believe Mary actively "ascended" into heaven by her own power (in the same way as Jesus Christ), but this is not supported by the Bible. Instead, Mary was "assumed", meaning taken into heaven by God.

Catholics believe that not only Mary's soul, but also her body were received into heaven. They hold that the decaying of the human body after death is caused by the deceased's sins committed during life. Since Mary was sinless, it makes sense for her to have been assumed bodily.

Assumption Day is a very important day for the Catholic Church and for Catholics worldwide. It is one of the largest religious festivals and a public holiday in more than 40 countries. It is so important that it is called "summer Easter" in some countries, for example Greece.

To celebrate the day, popular festivals, colorful street processions, parades and spectacle accompany the religious Assumption festivities. The faithful attend mass, with the subject of the sermon usually being the Virgin Mary. Some services incorporate a blessing of the harvest. Despite the church never pointing to any tangible historical or explicit biblical support, and the Assumption not having been made dogma (declared an article of faith) until 1950, the holiday has not only endured but has prospered to this day, based on widespread belief and reverence.

The feast is also known as Dormition ("falling asleep", meaning death) or Feast of the Dormition in Eastern Christian churches.

Further reading: Assumption of Mary on Wikipedia

When is the Feast of the Assumption 2026?

The Feast of the Assumption 2026 is on Saturday, August 15, 2026 (in 612 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for the Feast of the Assumption in other years

The next occurrence of the Feast of the Assumption is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Feast of the Assumption 2020      August 15, 2020      Saturday      1578 days ago
Feast of the Assumption 2021      August 15, 2021      Sunday      1213 days ago
Feast of the Assumption 2022      August 15, 2022      Monday      848 days ago
Feast of the Assumption 2023      August 15, 2023      Tuesday      483 days ago
Feast of the Assumption 2024      August 15, 2024      Thursday      117 days ago
Feast of the Assumption 2025      August 15, 2025      Friday      in 247 days
Feast of the Assumption 2026      August 15, 2026      Saturday      in 612 days
Feast of the Assumption 2027      August 15, 2027      Sunday      in 977 days
Feast of the Assumption 2028      August 15, 2028      Tuesday      in 1343 days
Feast of the Assumption 2029      August 15, 2029      Wednesday      in 1708 days
Feast of the Assumption 2030      August 15, 2030      Thursday      in 2073 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Feast of the Assumption 2025
Dates of the Feast of the Assumption 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

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