Native American Day 2025
When is Native American Day 2025?
Native American Day 2025 is on
Monday, October 13, 2025 (in 306 days).
Calendar for 2025
Native American Day 2024 has already passed: it was on Monday, October 14, 2024 (57 days ago).
Calendar for 2024
What is Native American Day?
Cultural performance on Native American Day
Native American Day is an occasion to pay tribute to the culture, traditions and accomplishments of native American people and their many contributions to the United States.
It is currently an official state holiday only in South Dakota and California. In South Dakota it is celebrated on the second Monday of October (the dates shown on this page), while in California it is celebrated on the fourth Friday in September.
In South Dakota it falls on the same day as the United States federal holiday
Columbus Day that commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. This holiday is increasingly controversial due to the catastrophic impact of European settlement on native populations. Consequently, several states do not recognize the holiday and others celebrate it as Native American Day,
Indigenous Peoples' Day, American Indian Day or American Indian Heritage Day (the dates differ in different states).
Further reading:
Native American Day on Wikipedia
When is Native American Day 2026?
Native American Day 2026 is on
Monday, October 12, 2026 (in 670 days).
Calendar for 2026
Dates for Native American Day in other years
The next occurrence of Native American Day is marked in
When is ...? |
Date |
Day of the week |
Days away |
Native American Day 2020 |
October 12, 2020 |
Monday |
1520 days ago |
Native American Day 2021 |
October 11, 2021 |
Monday |
1156 days ago |
Native American Day 2022 |
October 10, 2022 |
Monday |
792 days ago |
Native American Day 2023 |
October 9, 2023 |
Monday |
428 days ago |
Native American Day 2024 |
October 14, 2024 |
Monday |
57 days ago |
Native American Day 2025 |
October 13, 2025 |
Monday |
in 306 days |
Native American Day 2026 |
October 12, 2026 |
Monday |
in 670 days |
Native American Day 2027 |
October 11, 2027 |
Monday |
in 1034 days |
Native American Day 2028 |
October 9, 2028 |
Monday |
in 1398 days |
Native American Day 2029 |
October 8, 2029 |
Monday |
in 1762 days |
Native American Day 2030 |
October 14, 2030 |
Monday |
in 2133 days |
Data provided 'as is' without warranty |
Free printable 2025 calendar templates
A selection of downloadable, printable calendar templates for 2025 with US federal holidays, suitable for a variety of applications. Available for Word, Excel and PDF.
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