Remembrance Sunday 2025

When is Remembrance Sunday 2025?

Remembrance Sunday 2025 is on Sunday, November 9, 2025 (in 334 days).  Calendar for 2025
Remembrance Sunday 2024 has already passed: it was on Sunday, November 10, 2024 (30 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Remembrance Sunday?

Wreaths laid for Remembrance Sunday (in the chapel at Lancing College, England). Photo: laid for Remembrance Sunday (in the chapel at Lancing College, England)
Remembrance Sunday is held every year on the second Sunday in November (the Sunday closest to November 11).

Remembrance Sunday is the day on which the main Remembrance Day observance ceremonies are held in the UK.

It is marked by ceremonies at local war memorials in most cities, towns and villages, attended by civic dignitaries, members of the Royal British Legion and other veterans' organisations, members of local armed forces units, military cadets, youth organisations (e.g. Scouts and Guides) and the public. Wreaths of remembrance poppies (see Poppy Day) are laid on the memorials, and two minutes' silence is held at 11am ("the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month"), the time on November 11, 1918 when the armistice became effective and World War I ended. Church bells are usually rung half-muffled, creating a sombre effect. The overall ceremony, including parades, memorial service and wreath-laying, can last up to two hours.

Remembrance Sunday is not the same as Remembrance Day (also known as Armistice Day), the day of remembrance observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of World War I to honor members of the armed forces who fell in the line of duty and which is held every year on November 11 (even though occasionally both fall on the same day).

During World War II, the Remembrance Day commemorations in the UK were moved to the Sunday preceding November 11 as an emergency measure to avoid disruption of the production of vital war materials. After the war, it was decided that the second Sunday in November should be named Remembrance Sunday in commemoration of both World Wars, as continuing with the date of November 11 would focus more on World War I and downplay the importance of World War II.

Further reading: Remembrance Sunday on Wikipedia

When is Remembrance Sunday 2026?

Remembrance Sunday 2026 is on Sunday, November 8, 2026 (in 698 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Remembrance Sunday in other years

The next occurrence of Remembrance Sunday is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Remembrance Sunday 2020      November 8, 2020      Sunday      1493 days ago
Remembrance Sunday 2021      November 14, 2021      Sunday      1122 days ago
Remembrance Sunday 2022      November 13, 2022      Sunday      758 days ago
Remembrance Sunday 2023      November 12, 2023      Sunday      394 days ago
Remembrance Sunday 2024      November 10, 2024      Sunday      30 days ago
Remembrance Sunday 2025      November 9, 2025      Sunday      in 334 days
Remembrance Sunday 2026      November 8, 2026      Sunday      in 698 days
Remembrance Sunday 2027      November 14, 2027      Sunday      in 1069 days
Remembrance Sunday 2028      November 12, 2028      Sunday      in 1433 days
Remembrance Sunday 2029      November 11, 2029      Sunday      in 1797 days
Remembrance Sunday 2030      November 10, 2030      Sunday      in 2161 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Remembrance Sunday 2025
Dates of Remembrance Sunday 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

Printable 2025 Calendars for Word, Excel and PDF

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