Teacher Appreciation Week 2025

When is Teacher Appreciation Week 2025?

Teacher Appreciation Week 2025 starts on Sunday, May 4, 2025 (in 204 days) and ends on Saturday, May 10th 2025 (in 210 days).  Calendar for 2025
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What is Teacher Appreciation Week?

Thanking teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. Photo: flickr.com/photos/ecastro/14289579753Thanking teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week, or National Teacher Appreciation Week, is a week-long celebration in recognition of teachers and the contributions they make to education and society. It is held in the first full week of May of every year and provides an opportunity for students, their parents, and school principals to show their appreciation for the hard work teachers do and the long hours many of them put in. Many educators receive thank you gifts and notes of gratitude from their students during this week, and schools organize events and celebrations to mark the occasion.

The Tuesday in Teacher Appreciation Week is designated as Teacher Appreciation Day.

World Teachers' Day is a separate occasion, celebrated every year on October 5 in countries around the world.

See also: NEA (National Educators Association)

When is Teacher Appreciation Week 2026?

Teacher Appreciation Week 2026 starts on Sunday, May 3, 2026 (in 568 days) and ends on Saturday, May 9th 2026 (in 574 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Teacher Appreciation Week in other years

The next occurrence of Teacher Appreciation Week is marked in red.

Year Teacher Appreciation Week starts on Teacher Appreciation Week ends on
Teacher Appreciation Week 2020      Sunday, May 3, 2020      Saturday, May 9, 2020
Teacher Appreciation Week 2021      Sunday, May 2, 2021      Saturday, May 8, 2021
Teacher Appreciation Week 2022      Sunday, May 1, 2022      Saturday, May 7, 2022
Teacher Appreciation Week 2023      Sunday, May 7, 2023      Saturday, May 13, 2023
Teacher Appreciation Week 2024      Sunday, May 5, 2024      Saturday, May 11, 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week 2025      Sunday, May 4, 2025      Saturday, May 10, 2025
Teacher Appreciation Week 2026      Sunday, May 3, 2026      Saturday, May 9, 2026
Teacher Appreciation Week 2027      Sunday, May 2, 2027      Saturday, May 8, 2027
Teacher Appreciation Week 2028      Sunday, May 7, 2028      Saturday, May 13, 2028
Teacher Appreciation Week 2029      Sunday, May 6, 2029      Saturday, May 12, 2029
Teacher Appreciation Week 2030      Sunday, May 5, 2030      Saturday, May 11, 2030
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Teacher Appreciation Week 2025
Dates of Teacher Appreciation Week 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

Printable 2025 Calendars for Word, Excel and PDF

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