Armed Forces Day 2024

When is Armed Forces Day 2024?

Armed Forces Day 2024 is on Saturday, May 18, 2024 (in 21 days).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Armed Forces Day?

Armed Forces Day parade in Inverness, Scotland. Photo: Forces Day parade in Inverness, Scotland
Armed Forces Day is a day of paying tribute to and honoring members of the military. In the United States it is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in May. It is the highlight of Armed Forces Week which starts on the second Saturday in May and ends on the Sunday after Armed Forces Day. Parades, air shows, military displays, memorial services, flag ceremonies, open days and other local celebrations are held on this day to mark the occasion.

The day was created in 1949 to replace and unify formerly separate celebration days for the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. However, within the respective services the separate days are still observed. Armed Forces Day is not a public holiday in the United States.

Many other countries also observe an Armed Forces Day to honor and acknowledge the men and women in their military forces. In the United Kingdom it is held on the last Saturday in June, in Canada on the first Sunday in June and in Australia and New Zealand on ANZAC Day (April 25, a public holiday). For a list of Armed Forces Days around the world see Armed Forces Day on Wikipedia.

In the United States, those who have died in military service to their country are commemorated on Memorial Day (last Monday of May), while Veterans Day (November 11) honors and remembers all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

When is Armed Forces Day 2025?

Armed Forces Day 2025 is on Saturday, May 17, 2025 (in 385 days).  Calendar for 2025

Dates for Armed Forces Day in other years

The next occurrence of Armed Forces Day is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Armed Forces Day 2019      May 18, 2019      Saturday      1806 days ago
Armed Forces Day 2020      May 16, 2020      Saturday      1442 days ago
Armed Forces Day 2021      May 15, 2021      Saturday      1078 days ago
Armed Forces Day 2022      May 21, 2022      Saturday      707 days ago
Armed Forces Day 2023      May 20, 2023      Saturday      343 days ago
Armed Forces Day 2024      May 18, 2024      Saturday      in 21 days
Armed Forces Day 2025      May 17, 2025      Saturday      in 385 days
Armed Forces Day 2026      May 16, 2026      Saturday      in 749 days
Armed Forces Day 2027      May 15, 2027      Saturday      in 1113 days
Armed Forces Day 2028      May 20, 2028      Saturday      in 1484 days
Armed Forces Day 2029      May 19, 2029      Saturday      in 1848 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Armed Forces Day 2024
Dates of Armed Forces Day 2024 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

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