St. David's Day 2025

When is St. David's Day 2025?

St. David's Day 2025 is on Saturday, March 1, 2025 (in 81 days).  Calendar 2025 UK
St. David's Day 2024 has already passed: it was on Friday, March 1, 2024 (284 days ago).  Calendar 2024 UK
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What is St. David's Day?

St. David's Day is celebrated annually on March 1 in honor of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales. Photo: Wikimedia CommonsSt. David's Day is celebrated annually on March 1 in honor of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales
St. David's Day is a Christian feast day celebrated annually on March 1 in honor of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales ("Dewi Sant" in Welsh), who is said to have died on March 1, 589, though that date is not certain.

David was a native of Wales and a member of the royal family of Cunedda. He rose to fame as archbishop and founder of a number of monasteries.

On St. David's Day daffodils and leeks, the national emblems of Wales, are worn, in a tribute to Saint David who is said to have eaten only leeks when fasting and to have advised soldiers to wear leeks on their helmets in a battle against Saxons so they could distinguish each other from the enemies. Cities and towns in Wales hold parades on the day, flying the Welsh flag (or alternatively the flag of Saint David, a yellow cross on a black field) and displaying dragons, another symbol of Wales. Recitations and choir singing is performed, and the national anthem is played.

St. David's Day, also spelled Saint David's Day, is not a public holiday in Wales. It is one of the four Saints' days of the four nations that make up the United Kingdom:

St. David's Day March 1 Wales
St. Patrick's Day March 17 Northern Ireland
St. George's Day April 23 England
St. Andrew's Day November 30 Scotland

Further reading: St. David's Day on Wikipedia

When is St. David's Day 2026?

St. David's Day 2026 is on Sunday, March 1, 2026 (in 446 days).  Calendar 2026 UK

Dates for St. David's Day in other years

The next occurrence of St. David's Day is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
St. David's Day 2020      March 1, 2020      Sunday      1745 days ago
St. David's Day 2021      March 1, 2021      Monday      1380 days ago
St. David's Day 2022      March 1, 2022      Tuesday      1015 days ago
St. David's Day 2023      March 1, 2023      Wednesday      650 days ago
St. David's Day 2024      March 1, 2024      Friday      284 days ago
St. David's Day 2025      March 1, 2025      Saturday      in 81 days
St. David's Day 2026      March 1, 2026      Sunday      in 446 days
St. David's Day 2027      March 1, 2027      Monday      in 811 days
St. David's Day 2028      March 1, 2028      Wednesday      in 1177 days
St. David's Day 2029      March 1, 2029      Thursday      in 1542 days
St. David's Day 2030      March 1, 2030      Friday      in 1907 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

St. David's Day 2025
Dates of St. David's Day 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

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