Washington's Birthday 2025

When is Washington's Birthday 2025?

Washington's Birthday 2025 is on Monday, February 17, 2025 (in 69 days).  Calendar for 2025
Washington's Birthday 2024 has already passed: it was on Monday, February 19, 2024 (295 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Washington's Birthday?

Portrait of George WashingtonPortrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, 1796 (more)
Washington's Birthday is the official name (in accordance with 5 U.S. Code § 6103 - Holidays) for the United States federal holiday whose popular and commonly used name is Presidents' Day. It is celebrated annually on the third Monday of February.

Washington's Birthday honors and celebrates the life and achievements of George Washington, the first President of the United States (1789-1797) and 'The Father of his Country'. It was the first federal holiday to be created in honor of an American citizen. The day is, in practice, often used to honor and remember all past US presidents, and in particular Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson.

The holiday was created in 1879, first celebrated the following year. It was originally held on Washington's actual birthday (February 22). In 1971 this was changed to the third Monday of February, placing it between February 15 and 21 - which makes "Washington's Birthday" something of a misnomer, since it can never occur on Washington's actual birthday anymore.

Washington's Birthday is an occasion for community celebrations and parades. Many stores and businesses hold special sales. The Purple Heart military badge (which carries an image of Washington) for soldiers injured in the course of duty is awarded on Washington's Birthday.

Further reading:

When is Washington's Birthday 2026?

Washington's Birthday 2026 is on Monday, February 16, 2026 (in 433 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Washington's Birthday in other years

The next occurrence of Washington's Birthday is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Washington's Birthday 2020      February 17, 2020      Monday      1758 days ago
Washington's Birthday 2021      February 15, 2021      Monday      1394 days ago
Washington's Birthday 2022      February 21, 2022      Monday      1023 days ago
Washington's Birthday 2023      February 20, 2023      Monday      659 days ago
Washington's Birthday 2024      February 19, 2024      Monday      295 days ago
Washington's Birthday 2025      February 17, 2025      Monday      in 69 days
Washington's Birthday 2026      February 16, 2026      Monday      in 433 days
Washington's Birthday 2027      February 15, 2027      Monday      in 797 days
Washington's Birthday 2028      February 21, 2028      Monday      in 1168 days
Washington's Birthday 2029      February 19, 2029      Monday      in 1532 days
Washington's Birthday 2030      February 18, 2030      Monday      in 1896 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Washington's Birthday 2025
Dates of Washington's Birthday 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

Printable 2025 Calendars for Word, Excel and PDF

Calendar templates 2025 for Word, Excel and PDF

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A selection of downloadable, printable calendar templates for 2025 with US federal holidays, suitable for a variety of applications. Available for Word, Excel and PDF.




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