World Teachers' Day 2024

When is World Teachers' Day 2024?

World Teachers' Day 2024 is on Saturday, October 5, 2024 (in 160 days).  Calendar for 2024
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What is World Teachers' Day?

World Teachers' Day is celebrated annually on October 5. Photo: Teachers' Day is celebrated annually on October 5
World Teachers' Day, also known as International Teachers Day, is held every year on October 5 to honor teachers and recognize their contributions to education and development. Many events are organized on this day (or a day around this date if necessary to avoid school holidays) to emphasize the importance of teachers and learning and to raise the profile and increase the awareness and understanding of the teaching profession and its importance.

While many countries hold their national Teachers' Day on this day to coincide with World Teachers' Day, there are exceptions, most notably Teacher Appreciation Day in the United States, which falls on the Tuesday of the first full week in May and is the main day of Teacher Appreciation Week. The national Teachers' Days of other countries are spread throughout the year, usually to commemorate an important local educator or a milestone in the development of the country's education (for details see this list of Teachers' Days around the world), even though many countries hold their Teachers' Day on the same day as World Teachers' Day, October 5. 11 countries in the Arab world celebrate a common Teachers' Day on February 28, a number of East European countries celebrate it on the first Sunday of October.

World Teachers' Day was first held in 1994 at the initiative of UNESCO and has been observed every year since.

Further reading: World Teachers' Day on Wikipedia

When is World Teachers' Day 2025?

World Teachers' Day 2025 is on Sunday, October 5, 2025 (in 525 days).  Calendar for 2025

Dates for World Teachers' Day in other years

The next occurrence of World Teachers' Day is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
World Teachers' Day 2019      October 5, 2019      Saturday      1667 days ago
World Teachers' Day 2020      October 5, 2020      Monday      1301 days ago
World Teachers' Day 2021      October 5, 2021      Tuesday      936 days ago
World Teachers' Day 2022      October 5, 2022      Wednesday      571 days ago
World Teachers' Day 2023      October 5, 2023      Thursday      206 days ago
World Teachers' Day 2024      October 5, 2024      Saturday      in 160 days
World Teachers' Day 2025      October 5, 2025      Sunday      in 525 days
World Teachers' Day 2026      October 5, 2026      Monday      in 890 days
World Teachers' Day 2027      October 5, 2027      Tuesday      in 1255 days
World Teachers' Day 2028      October 5, 2028      Thursday      in 1621 days
World Teachers' Day 2029      October 5, 2029      Friday      in 1986 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

World Teachers' Day 2024
Dates of World Teachers' Day 2024 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

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