Mother's Day 2025

When is Mother's Day 2025?

Mother's Day 2025 is on Sunday, May 11, 2025 (in 190 days).  Calendar for 2025
Mother's Day 2024 has already passed: it was on Sunday, May 12, 2024 (174 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Mother's Day?

Flowers for Mother's Day. Photo: for Mother's Day
Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, yet most commonly in March, April, or May. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers, Parents' Day and Grandparents' Day.

Mother's Day around the world

In most countries Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, among them the USA, Canada, most European countries, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Japan, the Philippines and South Africa. One notable exception to this rule are the UK and Ireland, which celebrate Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday in Lent. Most Arab countries celebrate Mother's Day on March 21st (vernal equinox), while most East European countries celebrate Mother's Day on March 8th (the same date as International Women's Day). Many French-speaking countries celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday of May (or, in the case of France, on the first Sunday of June in years in which the last Sunday of May is Pentecost). For a complete overview of the dates of Mother's Day around the world see Mother's Day on Wikipedia.

In most countries, Mother's Day is a recent observance derived from the holiday as it has evolved in America. When it was adopted by other countries and cultures, it was given different meanings, associated to different events (religious, historical or legendary), and celebrated on a different date or dates.

Some countries already had existing celebrations honoring motherhood, and their celebrations have adopted several external characteristics from the US holiday, like giving carnations and other presents to your own mother.

The extent of the celebrations varies greatly. In some countries, it is potentially offensive to one's mother not to mark Mother's Day. In others, it is a little-known festival celebrated mainly by immigrants, or covered by the media as a taste of foreign culture (compare the celebrations of Diwali in the UK and the United States).

Is it Mother's Day, Mothers' Day or Mothers Day?

Although the name of the event is usually understood as a plural possessive (i.e. "day belonging to mothers"), which would under normal English punctuation guidelines be spelled "Mothers' Day" (not "Mothers Day"), the most common spelling is "Mother's Day", as if it were a singular possessive (i.e. "day belonging to Mother").

Further reading: Mother's Day on Wikipedia

When is Mother's Day 2026?

Mother's Day 2026 is on Sunday, May 10, 2026 (in 554 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Mother's Day in other years

The next occurrence of Mother's Day is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Mother's Day 2020      May 10, 2020      Sunday      1637 days ago
Mother's Day 2021      May 9, 2021      Sunday      1273 days ago
Mother's Day 2022      May 8, 2022      Sunday      909 days ago
Mother's Day 2023      May 14, 2023      Sunday      538 days ago
Mother's Day 2024      May 12, 2024      Sunday      174 days ago
Mother's Day 2025      May 11, 2025      Sunday      in 190 days
Mother's Day 2026      May 10, 2026      Sunday      in 554 days
Mother's Day 2027      May 9, 2027      Sunday      in 918 days
Mother's Day 2028      May 14, 2028      Sunday      in 1289 days
Mother's Day 2029      May 13, 2029      Sunday      in 1653 days
Mother's Day 2030      May 12, 2030      Sunday      in 2017 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Mother's Day 2025
Dates of Mother's Day 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

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