Shrove Tuesday 2025

When is Shrove Tuesday 2025?

Shrove Tuesday 2025 is on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (in 122 days).  Calendar for 2025
Shrove Tuesday 2024 has already passed: it was on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 (262 days ago).  Calendar for 2024
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What is Shrove Tuesday?

Shrove TuesdayThe Fight Between Carnival and Lent by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559 (detail)
Shrove Tuesday, also called Pancake Day, Pancake Tuesday, Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras (which is French for "Fat Tuesday"), is the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday is a movable feast whose date whose date is linked to Easter, so it changes on an annual basis. The date can vary from as early as February 3 to as late as March 9. It is preceded by Shrove Monday and marks the end of Shrovetide, also known as the Pre-Lenten Season.

Shrove Tuesday is observed mainly in English-speaking countries, especially Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, but also in the Philippines and Germany.

Further reading: Shrove Tuesday on Wikipedia

When is Shrove Tuesday 2026?

Shrove Tuesday 2026 is on Tuesday, February 17, 2026 (in 472 days).  Calendar for 2026

Dates for Shrove Tuesday in other years

The next occurrence of Shrove Tuesday is marked in red.

When is ...? Date      Day of the week      Days away     
Shrove Tuesday 2020      February 25, 2020      Tuesday      1711 days ago
Shrove Tuesday 2021      February 16, 2021      Tuesday      1354 days ago
Shrove Tuesday 2022      March 1, 2022      Tuesday      976 days ago
Shrove Tuesday 2023      February 21, 2023      Tuesday      619 days ago
Shrove Tuesday 2024      February 13, 2024      Tuesday      262 days ago
Shrove Tuesday 2025      March 4, 2025      Tuesday      in 122 days
Shrove Tuesday 2026      February 17, 2026      Tuesday      in 472 days
Shrove Tuesday 2027      February 9, 2027      Tuesday      in 829 days
Shrove Tuesday 2028      February 29, 2028      Tuesday      in 1214 days
Shrove Tuesday 2029      February 13, 2029      Tuesday      in 1564 days
Shrove Tuesday 2030      March 5, 2030      Tuesday      in 1949 days
Data provided 'as is' without warranty

Shrove Tuesday 2025
Dates of Shrove Tuesday 2025 and surrounding years as downloadable image file

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